Goula 磁性釣魚遊戲

Goula - Magnetic Fishing Game

HK$ 159

這是一款集拼圖和釣魚功能為一體的產品。這款產品就是拼圖功能,當孩子使用魚桿時,就有釣魚的功能, 考驗他/她們的手眼協調能力, 提升肌耐力. 培養空間思維想象力;增加對顏色及海洋的認知發展, 引導學習數量概念。

Magnetic wooden puzzle. Fish for the different sea animals with a magnetic fishing rod. Match the pieces by their shape or by the drawing, as inside the puzzle you will find a drawing of the same animal. Puzzles are a great way to help your child develop spatial awareness, problem solving, shape recognition and minor-motor co-ordination skills from a young age whilst having fun as they play.
